Welcome to Liun Demo!

We are currently in the early stages of development but are working hard to get Liun up to scratch!

-DEMO 0.0.2-
-New in-game UI system
-New Register, Login and Options menu layout
-Removal of "Resume" in Pause Game Menu
-Pause menu can now be closed with esc
-UI can be toggled with Tab
-Neater animations + Jump
-Food, hunger and health bars added
-Added food (red) and water (blue) orbs
-New Main Menu and extra tabs now reside in one level


-Adressing Multiplayer-
Yes, we will have a multiplayer once Chipz has collected the correct funds and/or gains a private internet router.


-The Lion Models and Animations-
The models used in this version are stand ins made by MalberS Animations. We plan to have a more realistic model to fit the game ASAP.